Моторное масло для коммерческого транспорта Delo 400 LE SAE 15W-40
Delo® 400 LE SAE 15W-40 - это смешанное моторное масло, рекомендованное для четырехтактных дизельных двигателей с наддувом и турбонаддувом и четырехтактных бензиновых двигателей, в которых рекомендуются категории обслуживания API CJ-4 и класс вязкости SAE 15W-40.
Delo 400 LE SAE 15W-40 is an API CJ-4 heavy duty engine oil specifically formulated for on-highway and off-highway applications including 2010 compliant low emission diesel engines with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) systems. It is fully compatible with previous engine models and previous API Oil Service Categories. It delivers value through: Minimized operating costs — Exceptional soot dispersancy and wear control. Cylinders, pistons, rings, and injectors are well protected against wear and corrosion, providing optimum service life and minimal maintenance. Contributes to maximum vehicle utilization and minimal downtime. Excellent emission control system life — Provides optimum Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) life for minimal downtime and cleaning, thus managing your maintenance costs. Managed inventory costs — Backward compatible with previous API Oil Service Categories and engine models. Suitable for use in four-stroke gasoline and naturally aspirated, turbocharged and modern electronically controlled/low emission diesel engines calling for an SAE 15W-40 heavy duty motor oil. Provides users with a wide mix of engine brands to enjoy simplified inventory and dispensing systems that may contribute to saving money, space and handling time. FEATURES Delo 400 LE SAE 15W-40 is an industry leading, super premium quality engine oil which exceeds industry and engine manufacturers’ performance requirements. It is the most recommended OEM viscosity grade for over-the-road and off-highway diesel engines. APPLICATIONS Delo 400 LE SAE 15W-40 helps keep rings clean and free for maximum combustion pressure and minimal wear. Delo 400 LE SAE 15W-40 minimizes valve and piston crown land deposits, leading to minimal oil consumption. Its high level of ashless dispersants keeps fuel soot in suspension and helps avoid filter plugging, heavy cylinder head sludge, abrasive polishing wear, high viscosity increase, and oil gelling. These problems can result in excessive engine wear and bearing failure on startup, without prior indication to the operator.